100 Useful Websites for Medical Librarians


July 16th, 2009

By Emily Thomas

Nursing schools and medical libraries are all about information and learning. With the incredible amount of research and information available, you can surely use help from some useful websites. Read on, and you’ll learn about 100 websites that are great for medical librarians.

Associations & Organizations

Become a part of these groups and make use of their helpful resources.

  1. Medical Library Association: The MLA is a nonprofit educational organization for health sciences information professionals.
  2. National Institutes of Health: Stay up to date on diseases and conditions from the National Institutes of Health.
  3. National Library of Medicine: This website represents the world’s largest medical library.
  4. American Medical Informatics Association: The AMIA is the professional home for biomedical and health informatics.
  5. National Network of Libraries of Medicine: In this network, you’ll get access to resources for medical libraries.
  6. Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries: The AAHSL supports better health through better information.
  7. Canadian Health Libraries Association: This association supports health libraries throughout Canada.
  8. American Library Association: The ALA is one of the largest associations for all librarians.
  9. Association of Research Libraries: This organization of research libraries represents a large portion of the academic and research library marketplace.
  10. Library & Information Technology Association: Stay up to date on information technology in libraries through this association.

Journals & Blogs

Read these journals and blogs for ongoing insight into medical librarianship.

  1. Digital Librarian: Find a librarian’s best of the web on Digital Librarian.
  2. Journal of the Medical Library Association: The JMLA is a quarterly published peer review journal that shares research and more in health sciences librarianship.
  3. MedlinePlus Magazine: Read this magazine to get information from the National Institutes of Health.
  4. Health News: Follow this blog on health news from the UofS Health Sciences Library.
  5. Laika’s MedLibLog: Read this medical librarian’s exploration of the Web 2.0 world and beyond.
  6. OA Librarian: Here you’ll find open access resources by and for librarians.
  7. Cushing/Whitney Medical Library Blog: This blog shares information about the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library.
  8. LISNews: Find library and information science news on this blog.
  9. DigiCMB: On this blog, you’ll learn about taking advantage of the digital age in medical libraries.
  10. The Marginal: The Marginal is an e-zine published by the McGill Library & Information Studies Student Association.
  11. Open Medicine Blog: The Open Medicine Blog is a peer reviewed, independent open access journal.
  12. Medical Library: Anne Collins and Isla Kuhn serve the Cambridge University Medical Library.
  13. davidrothman.net: David Rothman shares medical librarianship and web geekery in this blog.
  14. Krafty Librarian: On this blog, the Krafty Librarian shares things of interest to medical librarians.
  15. The Kept-Up Academic Librarian: Read this blog to keep up with news and developments in higher education.
  16. The Laupus Blog: This blog is written for people with an interest in health sciences information and trends.
  17. Librarians’ Rx: This blog features items of interest to librarians in Canadian health science libraries.
  18. The Handheld Librarian: Learn about handheld computer technology from The Handheld Librarian.
  19. Health Library Online: This journal features technology, research, and development of online health libraries.
  20. The Search Principle Blog: Dean Giustini discusses health libraries and web media.
  21. Anna Martin’s Medical Library Spiel: Anna Martin shares information skills and literacy on this blog.
  22. SHR Medical Library: This is the blog of the Saskatoon Health Region Libraries.
  23. Computers in Libraries: Learn about information technology through this journal.
  24. Health Information and Libraries Journal: Blackwell Science publishes this international peer reviewed journal.
  25. Library Journal: Library Journal shares breaking news, editorials, and more.


Become a part of these communities to connect with other medical librarians.

  1. MEDIBIB-L: This medical librarian listserv is for medical professionals in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany.
  2. MEDLIB-L Archives: Connect with other medical librarians and professionals through this popular listserv community.
  3. Web4Lib: Subscribe to this list to learn about the Internet and librarians.
  4. IFLA-L: In the International Federation of Library Associations mailing list, you’ll be a part of the international library community.
  5. Canadian MedLib: This discussion forum is for medical librarians and students.
  6. Web4Lib Electronic Discussion: This discussion group is full of library based web managers.


Improve your career with the help of these websites.

  1. Library and Information Science Jobs: Subscribe to the Library and Information Science Jobs mailing list to learn about the latest jobs available in the field.
  2. Special Libraries Association Career Services: Through SLA Career Services, you can get connected with the jobs you’re looking for.
  3. LIScareer: Check out LIScareer to find a career development center for library and information science professionals.
  4. Library Associates Companies: Find out about government jobs and more through Library Associates.
  5. InfoCurrent: Check out positions at libraries listed with InfoCurrent.
  6. LISjobs: Visit LISjobs to find job ads and more for librarians.
  7. Librarians: Look into the details of the librarian profession from this listing in the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  8. SLA Career Services Online: On SLA, you’ll learn about special library positions across the US.
  9. Indeed: Indeed features a variety of quality medical librarian jobs in its listings.
  10. Salary.com: Find career advancement tools and resources from Salary.com.
  11. John Keister & Associates: This executive search firm specializes in public, academic, research and special libraries.
  12. MLANet: Learn about medical library jobs within and beyond the MLA.


These websites offer excellent resources for medical library research.

  1. BioMed Central: BioMed Central offers original research articles with open access.
  2. DailyMed: Find high quality information about marketed drugs through DailyMed.
  3. Alphabetical List of Specific Diseases/Disorders: Research diseases and disorders through this resource.
  4. Medical Library Search Engine: Use this custom search engine to search the web pages of medical libraries.
  5. NHS Evidence: Find evidence through NHS here.
  6. AllRefer Health: AllRefer Health offers health articles and reference materials.
  7. Guidelines for Providing Medical Information to Consumers: Check out these guidelines to learn how to answer health and medical questions.
  8. Current Bibliographies in Medicine: Check out these bibliographies to find resources in subject areas of biomedicine.
  9. HealthWeb: Find areas of excellence from this joint project of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation member health sciences libraries.
  10. ClinicalTrials.gov: Visit this registry to learn about clinical trials being conducted in the United States and around the world.
  11. Mayo Clinic Health Oasis: Find health information from doctors, nurses, health educators and scientists at the Mayo Clinic here.
  12. PubMed: Through PubMed, you’ll get access to links, databases, citations, and more, as well as links to fee-based, full-text articles.
  13. CDC: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers an online source for credible health information.
  14. HealthWeb: HealthWeb is a collaborative project of health sciences libraries.
  15. Consumer Health and Patient Education Information Search Engine: Use this search engine to find information through trusted and authorative health information and patient education resources.
  16. MedScape: Find subjects to research, news, reviews, and more from MedScape.
  17. Hardin MD: Find free full text online electronic medical journals here.
  18. Public Library of Science: This nonprofit organization publishes freely available open access journals in life science and medicine.
  19. INASP: The INASP works to make scientific publications more available.
  20. History of Medicine Search Engine: Here you can search URLs recommended by the History of the Health Sciences Section of the Medical Library Association.
  21. MedlinePlus: MedlinePlus shares trusted health information, news, and lots more.


These websites provide valuable resources for medical librarians.

  1. Health Sciences Internet Librarianship Resource Page: This resource list offers basic Internet resources for health sciences librarians.
  2. Best of the Web in Health and Medicine: Check out this list from the New York Public Library to learn about reputable health and medicine web sites.
  3. Medical Librarianship Weblogs: Find a list of medical librarianship blogs in this wiki.
  4. lib-web-cats: Use this directory to find libraries throughout the world by type, location, and more.
  5. Library Conference Planner: With this planner, you’ll be able to stay on top of all the conferences for librarians.
  6. NLM Gateway: Use this gateway to search multiple resources in the National Library of Medicine.
  7. Educators’ Reference Desk: Find resource guides and more through the Educators’ Reference Desk.
  8. Basic Library Management: Get the basics for new health and hospital librarians from this website.
  9. Libdex: Check out the Libdex to learn about library blogs online.
  10. Recommended Books for a Consumer Health Reference Collection: In this bibliography of titles, you’ll find recommended books for a medical reference collection.
  11. IPL: Health and Medical Sciences: Use this resource to find the best websites and reference tools for health and medical sciences.
  12. Resource Center Manual: In this manual, you’ll learn how to set up and manage a health resource center.
  13. Blogs for Medical Information: Here you’ll find a wealth of medical information blogs.
  14. LibGuides: Use LibGuides to create, share, and connect with patrons and other librarians.
  15. Librarians’ Internet Index: The Librarians’ Internet Index is full of websites you can trust.
  16. List of Medical Wikis: Use this resource to find wikis for health information.
  17. Libraries for All: Use this resource guide to get information and instructions for managing successful medical library.
  18. Health Information Resources: Get access to hundreds of journals, ebooks, resources, and more here.
  19. Library Issues: In Library Issues, you’ll learn about key issues in academic librarianship.
  20. Services for Librarians: Check out this web site for information designed for medical librarians.
  21. Internet Skills for Health Information Users: Get training sources for medical librarians here.
  22. MedLib: In this directory, you’ll find more than 750 medical library websites.
  23. How Do You Set Up and Run a Consumer Health Library?: Learn the basics of running a consumer health library here.
  24. Web Sites You Can Trust: Check out this list for 100 health websites that can be trusted.
  25. Medical/Health Sciences Libraries on the Web: Find out about medical and health science libraries online through this resource.
  26. Information for Development: Here you’ll find a directory of useful links for developing libraries.

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