50 Happy Nursing Blogs


July 12th, 2009

As you’ll learn in your work, nursing is an experience that’s a mix of happiness and sadness. However, it’s important to reflect on the happiness that the profession brings. Whether they are hopeful or humorous, these 50 blogs offer a positive spin on nursing.


These blogs offer a happy perspective on nursing in general.

  1. Nurse Ratched’s Place: This nurse puts madness to good use.
  2. Reality Rounds: Reality Rounds brings a dose of reality to medical life and stories in the news.
  3. The Intensive Art: On this blog, you’ll find the diary of an ICU nurse.
  4. PixelRN: PixelRN is a part time nurse and stay at home nurse.
  5. The Nursing Site Blog: This blog is for nurses and aspiring nurses, offering useful information and resources.
  6. What school doesn’t teach about being a nurse practitioner: Get the real lowdown on life as a nurse practitioner from this blog.
  7. Nurse Healers: See the secrets of the nurse healers in this blog.
  8. NighttimeNursing: On this blog, you’ll find a mix of happy and sad stories, with a side of a dark sense of humor.
  9. Nurse William: Nurse William is committed to excellence in nursing through evidence based practice.
  10. Canuck Nurse: Read about the triumphs, trials, and tribulations of a nice guy nurse in Toronto.
  11. The Makings of a Nurse: Find out about the roots of this nurse by reading this blog.
  12. Brain Scramble, RN: This blog highlights the trials and tribulations of a first year nurse.
  13. Nursing Novellas: Nursing Novellas offers a look into the human side of healthcare.
  14. I love travel nursing: These nurses love their jobs, and share stories and resources for travel nursing.
  15. Young and Restless Nurse: This nurse is full of innovation, but is hopeful for direction.
  16. ER RN: This nurse is having lots of fun and sharing crazy stories in nursing.


Get inspired by the nursing stories in these blogs.

  1. The Nursing Inspiration Project: Find inspirational stories from nurses on this blog.
  2. DisappearingJohn: This Post-Gastric Bypass Surgery patient is working as a full time RN.
  3. happynurses: Find inspiration and information on this happy nurse blog.


These blogs are written with certain nursing specialties in mind.

  1. At Your Cervix: Read the stories of new life in this blog written by a labor and delivery nurse.
  2. Highway Hypodermics: Find out why travel nursing is such a happy experience by reading this blog.
  3. Emergiblog: This blog offers a look into the life and times of an ER nurse.
  4. Angel in the Sickroom: Edgar Vincent Bautista shares his thoughts, experiences, and more from life as a student nurse.
  5. Life of a Male Student Nurse: Read about this male student’s experiences in nursing school.
  6. Have RN Will Travel: Learn about travel nursing experiences in this blog.
  7. Not Another Nursing Student Blog: Read about the work of a nurse at a secure psychiatric unit on this blog.
  8. crzegrl, flight nurse: This flight nurse is also a paramedic, skydiver, and Army Reserve Commander.
  9. Nurse Anesthetist: This blog is about the people side of anesthesia nursing.
  10. Madness: Tales of an Emergency Room Nurse: Read this blog to hear about the adventures of a veteran inner city ER nurse.
  11. 12 Hour Nurse: Read the entertaining, energizing, and enjoyable adventures of a floating nurse.
  12. N is for Nurse: This blog is written by a high risk labor and delivery nurse.
  13. heart matters: This ICU nurse works hard for her money.
  14. RehabRN: Read about the fun and excitement of a Midwestern rehab hospital RN.
  15. The Life and Times of a New RN: This new RN loves her work in a cardio-thoracic telemetry step down unit.
  16. code blog: This blogger shares tales from 11 years of Intensive Care nursing.
  17. From Cash Flow to Catheters: Read the story of this new endoscopy nurse in Pennsylvania.
  18. ERNursey: This ER nurse works hard, while having fun and making positive impacts on lives.


Read these blogs to get a dose of positive nursing advice.

  1. Nurse Audrey’s Stress Relief Blog: Nurse Audrey shares stress and motivational strategies on this blog.
  2. Dear Nurses: This blog offers a friendly look at ideas and learning that can help you improve your skills as a nurse.
  3. NursesPTO: Read this blog to find out how to make your time off pay off.
  4. Not Nurse Ratched: Learn about medicine, productivity, and more on this blog.


Get a good laugh or sly chuckle from the stories in these nursing blogs.

  1. Weird Nursing Tales: Find entertainment in these real life medical encounters.
  2. This Won’t Hurt A Bit: On this blog, you’ll learn about the adventures of a slightly neurotic nurse.
  3. Crass-Pollination: Read about crazies in the ER on this blog.
  4. RealityRN: Find real conversations from new nurses on this blog.
  5. It shouldn’t happen in health care: Max E Nurse shares humorous going on in his nursing work.
  6. Medical Jokes, Cartoons, Videos: Find anatomically correct medical humor for adults on this blog.
  7. The Angry Nurse: This angry blog offers happiness in the form of humor.
  8. Nursefriendly Nursing Directories: This directory blog is full of humorous stories and anecdotes.
  9. GiggleMed: This blog works to make medicine fun again.


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