Top 50 Medical Professor Blogs


September 11th, 2008

Whether you are a physician or just want to keep abreast of the latest news in the field of medicine, blogs from medical professors are a great way to stay on top of it all. These blogs range from ethics to general health issues and some even include podcasts. Take advantage of the knowledge these professors have to share by diving into their blogs.

Bioethics and Legal Issues

From human rights to end-of-life, these blogs examine the ethics and legal aspects of the field of medicine.

  1. Global Bioethics Blog. This professor’s blog examines issues concerning bioethics and research ethics in sub-Saharan Africa. Find topics ranging from AIDS to health and human rights among these posts.
  2. Women’s Bioethics Project. Written by both scholars and public policy makers, the issues in this blog cover medical ethics, current research, and more.
  3. Sufficient Scruples. This blogger has previously taught both bioethics and ethics and focuses on “healthcare-related issues from a moral perspective,” with a focus on both theoretical and practical issues.
  4. Neuroethics and Law Blog. Law professor Adam Kolber writes about the law, ethics, and the brain. Topics also include a heavy dose of psychology for a well-rounded blog.
  5. Lost in Translation. Learn about bioethics as it pertains to cutting edge medical interventions in early phase clinical trials in this blog written by Jonathan Kimmelman.
  6. HealthLawProf Blog. Written by a legal professor, this blog focuses on the issues where medicine and the law intersect. Read about drug labeling, plastics used in baby bottles, and more.
  7. Medical Futility. This professor looks at medical futility in his blog. This is a great resource for topics on physician/patient conflict, euthanization, end-of-life care, and more.
  8. Adventures in Ethics and Science. Written by a philosophy professor, this ethics blog looks at science and the humanities with plenty of medical topics such as medical research and mammograms.
  9. Bioethics Discussion Blog. Dr. Maurice Bernstein writes about the ethics associated with medicine, medical care, and science in this blog with over 600 topics in it.
  10. HealthLawBlog. This blogger teaches ethics, law, and medicine at three different schools. Take advantage of his knowledge across these fields by reading his blog that discusses health law and policy.

Men, Women, and Children

These blogs offer information on women’s and men’s health, pediatrics, and family medicine.

  1. Dr. Tori Hudson, N.D.. This professor at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine discusses women’s health issues and treatment with a naturopathic approach. Recent topics include perimenopause symptoms, calcium guidelines, and saffron to help PMS.
  2. Dr. Scherger on Revolution Health. This physician and professor writes on men’s health issues with topics such as chest pain, screenings, and exercise.
  3. Dr. David’s Blog. This practicing pediatrician who also works as a professor of oncology blogs about pediatric oncology, cancer research, and cancer treatments. Recent topics have touched on cancer and athletes, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and a wonderful case of successful of chemo.
  4. Family Medicine Notes. This professor keeps notes of what he learns through his practice and offers links to medical news in his blog. This physician has been blogging since 1999.


If the brain is your area of interest, then take advantage of these blogs focusing on neurology, neuropsychology, and neuroscience.

  1. BrainBlog. Read about neuropsychology and the latest topics in the field at this blog written by Anthony Risser.
  2. Mind Hacks. Technically written collaboratively by a group of bloggers who mix academia with the tech field, this blog offers interesting posts on neuroscience and psychology.
  3. Renegade Neurologist. This professor blogs about neurology-based topics like Alzheimer’s and dementia, but he also touches on many other more general-interest medical issues as well.
  4. Alzheimer’s Blog. Learn about respite care, caregiving issues, genetic tests, exercise to combat effects of Alzheimer’s and much more on this educator’s blog.

General Health and Medicine

These blog offer interesting and sometimes amusing glimpses into the world of medicine.

  1. Clinical Cases and Images–Blog. This eclectic blog includes medical topics ranging from Michael Phelps to genetics to pollution. Founded by a medical professor, this blog is interesting and entertaining enough for anyone inside or outside the medical community.
  2. Sporula. This ex-professor who turned science writer is blogging about all sorts of unusual and interesting medical and scientific topics.
  3. Reflections in a Head Mirror. Read about the experiences at an academic medical center through Dr. Bruce Campbell as he chronicles everything from his speech to the first-year medical students to a cancer patient smoking in his hospital bed.
  4. Dr. Geoff’s MedBlog. A former emergency medicine professor and currently on staff with Wellsphere, Dr. Geoff blogs about various medical-related blogs on his blog.
  5. DB’s Medical Rants. Read about teaching medicine, learning medicine, and the world of medicine in general in this physician and professor’s blog.
  6. Mothers in Medicine. Juliaink, one of the contributors to this collaborative blog, is a professor of psychiatry and shares her views on motherhood, academia, and psychiatry in her posts.
  7. DoctorMama. This blog touches on everything from running to medicine to being a mama–and even has a few cockroaches and snakes thrown in too.
  8. tails of a mouse asthmatologist. Follow this professor and scientist’s blog as he documents his growing family, posts photos, and even talks about medicine.
  9. Super Dok. This professor, doctor, and mother in the Philippines blogs about various aspects of medicine including Wii not being a good substitute for exercise, the importance of sleep, and nutrition and diabetes.

The Current Condition of Health Care

With the current health care crisis gaining so much attention, the professors themselves are sure to have plenty to say on the current condition of medicine and medical treatment in these blogs.

  1. The Health Advocate. A collaborative blog that includes professors, students, and alumni of The Health Advocacy Program at Sarah Lawrence, this blog examines the issues surrounding patient advocacy and the current state of health care in America.
  2. Health Care Renewal. These bloggers take a look at the state of health care and threats to the current system stemming from abuse of power. Conflicts of interest feature highly in these posts.
  3. Health Care Organizational Ethics. Harvard professor, Jim Sabin, writes about the state of health care, including topics such as personal responsibility, pharmaceuticals, and hospital ethics.
  4. Wachter’s World. Bob Wachter blogs about hospitalists, hospitals, and their quality and safety.
  5. Hooked: Ethics, Medicine, and Pharma. The posts in this blog examine the issues of conflict of interest and how it affects medical care, especially as it pertains to the pharmaceutical industry.
  6. Technically a newsletter and not a blog, this free e-publication provides the news and information on medicine and health care that you likely won’t hear from the mainstream medical organizations.
  7. EMedConcepts. Dr. Steven J. Davidson blogs about hospital-based medicine and growing leadership in the field. Recent posts have covered physicians and electronic health records, medicare policy, and hospitals showing their list prices.
  8. California Medicine Man. This blog touches on policy, medicine, patients, and much more as Dr. John S. Ford offers his experience and wisdom.
  9. Dr. Thompson’s Blog. This practicing pediatrician and professor of pediatrics writes about the state of health care with a focus on children and family issues.
  10. The Physician Executive. Read about the business of medicine as well as current medical policy issues in this blog written by an anonymous physician.

Specific Specialties

Whether they are writing about cardiology, alternative medicine, or orthopaedics, these professors share their specialty with you.

  1. Dr. Wes. Dr. Wes is a practicing heart doctor as well as a professor, and he shares his knowledge in this engaging and informative blog.
  2. Terra Sigillata. This anonymous professor describes his blog topics as “natural product drugs and dietary supplements, academic career development, medical journalism and, occasionally, making and listening to music and wine appreciation for the monetarily-challenged.”
  3. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Law Blog. This blogger is both a practicing lawyer and was an associate professor at Harvard Medical School. He currently writes about integrating complementary and alternative medicine into western medical practice.
  4. Stress Blog. This professor of oncology at the Mayo Clinic offers sound advice for ways to reduce stress and find your happiness in life.
  5. All Things Orthopaedic. Read Dr. James Herndon’s blog that touches on orthopaedic implants, osteoporosis assessment tools, and athletics.
  6. Aetiology. From anthrax to gastric bacterium to salmonella, this professor of epidemiology blogs about a wide range of illnesses that affect humanity with a particular interest in the ones that touch on both humans and animals.
  7. Cosmeticsurgerybangalore’s Weblog. This professor of cosmetic surgery in India posts videos of various cosmetic surgical procedures in this blog.
  8. Docinthemachine. This blog is written by an Ob/Gyn who has an interest and background in all things tech. Find interesting posts about technology in the medical field with a special emphasis on women’s health and reproduction.

Academic Podcasts

These podcasts offer an easy way to get your medical news and information. Either click on the links to listen directly or sign up to have RSS feeds deliver new content directly to you.

  1. Harvard Medical Labcast. Listen to podcasts from experts at Harvard Medical School as they offer a glimpse into the groundbreaking work going on in the field of medicine.
  2. Medcast. From the Stanford School of Medicine, these podcasts offer a sampling of lectures from renowned experts. Some podcasts include stem cell research, childhood obesity, and women and heart disease.
  3. Johns Hopkins Medicine Podcasts. Presented by a professor of medicine and the director of electronic media, this podcast brings weekly looks at all the top news from the medical world.
  4. University of Michigan Health System Podcast. The podcasts available here are many. Choose from podcast topics such as health news, health and medical questions and answers, and child development and behavior.
  5. New England Journal of Medicine. This medical journal offers two different podcasts. Listen to Audio Interviews or select NEJM This Week for a recap of all the articles in the journal.

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